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Kent Police details

You can now contact Kent Police for all Wards and Officers here –

To identify an officer, the postcode can be placed in Find Your Area, and this will bring up the ward for the area.  To identify the team and officers for the area click ‘On the Team’.


In August 2021, the Clerk of Ambleteuse approached Elham Parish Council to discuss the opportunity of twinning with Elham. Ambleteuse in Northern France is located 9 km from Boulogne-Sur-Mer on the protected site of “Deux Caps” and the Caps et Marais d’Opale natural park. It has unique charm and architecture and is in proximity to some of the most beautiful sites in the region. Its demographics are like those of our own village.

Elham Parish Councillors were invited by the Mayor of Ambleteuse to visit him to see the region and meet his Councillors. Owing to travel restrictions and prior commitments, this was unable to take place until the 18th  of August 2022.

Elham Parish Councillors received a very warm welcome from the people of Ambleteuse. There followed a tour of the area and a very informative meeting to further discuss the twinning concept and the similarities and connections between the two areas.

The Mayor of Ambleteuse and his Councillors have subsequently been invited to make a visit to Elham on Thursday 13th October. 

What is twinning all about?

Twinning is a formal connection with a community in another country, to build up contacts and to promote friendship and a better understanding of each other’s country, culture, language, and national characteristics.

What are the benefits of twinning?

  • Making friends and exchange visits (children and adults)
  • Benefiting from the experiences of others
  • Broadening horizons by discovering other cultures and lifestyles
  • It can stimulate trade and business links
  • Learning or improving a foreign language

Who can get involved?

Anyone living, or working, in the Parish of Elham or having a close connection with the area.

  • individuals of all ages and interests
  • schools
  • clubs, societies, and organisations
  • businesses

If you would be interested in hearing more about this opportunity, please contact the Clerk