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Community & Amenities Committee

Terms of Reference


 (Adopted 3rd June 2019 Minute 107/19 (ii),

Reviewed :7th September 2020 Minute 148/20 (ii), 24th May 2021 Minute 159/21,14th May 2022, Minute 108/22.22nd May 2023 Minute 100/23,9th September 2024 187.24.

The Community and Amenities Committee of Elham Parish Council consists of the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council and a maximum of 5 Councillors.  The quorum of the committee shall be a minimum of 3 of all those entitled to attend.

The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed at the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual Parish Council meeting.

The appointment of members to this Committee is decided at the Annual Parish Council meeting.

  1. To keep under review the provision of recreational facilities and amenities for the residents of the Parish of Elham.
  2. To oversee the management and administration of Elham Burial Ground and the closed Churchyard.
  3. To lead on tenders for all aspects of maintenance and ground works for the approval of Full Council.
  4. To put forward to Full Council proposals for any improvements, developments or any proposed expenditure when requesting funding for the following financial year.
  5. To make recommendations to Elham Parish Council about the level of fees for use of recreational facilities and amenities.
  6. To recommend the appointment of sub-tenants to utilize Council properties where appropriate.
  7. To oversee the management of the sub-tenants.
  8. The Committee is authorised to establish working groups, including member of the public, to assist in its work.

Terms and Conditions of Council and Committees

Matters to be resolved only by a Full Council

  1. Issuing precept
  2. Borrowing money
  3. Approving the end of year Accounts and Annual Return
  4. Incurring expenditure over and above the Councils approved budget.
  5. Amending Standing Orders and Financial Regulation.
  6. The number of Committees, and the names and number of Members appointed on each Committee.
  7. Determining the functions and constitution of Committees and sub-committees.
  8. Fixing the dates of routine meetings of The Council and its Committees.
  9. Filing of Member vacancies on any Committees or Council.
  10. Appointing or nominating persons to fill vacancies on outside bodies.
  11. Confirming the appointment of and dismissing of the Parish Clerk.
  12. No Committee or sub-committee , apart from the Staffing Committee, have the power to incur expenditure without the approval of Full Council.

Committee Chairman

In liaison with the Parish Clerk, the Committee Chairman has the authority to cancel or postpone a meeting owing to the lack of business or in an emergency.


  1. Matters delegated to a Committee may be referred to full Council at the request (written or verbal) of two Members of the Council prior to the resolution of the matter.
  2. In accordance with Standing Order 7a the Council may, under specified conditions, reverse a Committee (or Council) decision within 6 months,

Committee Members:

Cllr Kevin Lamb (Chair)

Cllr Geoff Clements

Cllr Brian Swan

Cllr Christeen Chapman